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On poetry, sport, etc

Creation 2019

Dance and theatre artists Fanny Brouyaux and Sophie Guisset stage the journey of an emancipation. Spurred from the feeling of silenced speech and muffled cries, they bring to life two tragicomic figures that embody their own contradictions. Sporty and up for a challenge, they enter a race that turns out to be hindered by obstacles, incidents and falls that destabilize their determination. The violence of their failure reveals the limits and absurdity of their stubbornness. Militant feminism? No. Through their female perspective, we discover an undergoing battle whose weapons are still being honed: intense energy, a state of alert, a solidarity essential to catalyze change... "On poetry, sport, etc." is a mini-revolution, a physical fable of embodied will, that might perhaps inspire greater ones. From the intimate's threshold to a possible opening towards universality.


©Hichem Dahes
©Julien Carlier

Crédits:Conception et interprétation: Fanny Brouyaux et Sophie Guisset / Dramaturgie: Claire Diez /Œil extérieur - coach chorégraphique: Moya Michaël et Louise Vanneste/ Créateur son: Christophe Rault/ Créateur lumière: Raphaël Rubbens / Production exécutive: TMTT a.s.b.l / Coproduction : Charleroi Danse/ Accueil studio : POLE-SUD - CDCN –Strasbourg/ Avec les soutiens de la Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles-service de la danse, du Réseau Grand Luxe 2018, Materiais diversos (Pt), Théâtre de la Balsamine , Tanzhaus Zurich, 3CL, KVS, Le Vivat Armentières, Le théâtre La Coupole et Le Théâtre Varia/ Avec l'accompagnement de Grand Studio

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Dissemination and mediation: Manon André Caminita


Production and administration: Sílvia Gutiérrez Kirchner



ASBL Too Moved to talk (TMTT)

Registered Address:

3 Avenue du Forum, box 31,

1020 Brussels,



Fanny Brouyaux / Too Moved to Talk © 2023. Tous droits réservés.

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