Warm is a body and object performance, an image-show, deconstructing first-aid procedures. In a quirky, aesthetic way, it depicts the complexity of feelings that can emerge in the witness of an emergency situation: panic, hyper-vigilance, concentration, disgust, letting go, tetany, etc. Through different tableaux mixing abstraction and absurdity, the subtlety of a care relationship is highlighted.
Fanny Brouyaux and her team, in collaboration with the non-profit organization Mouvance, have created a workshop program for caregivers entitled "Care/Corps/Cure" to complement this show.

©Stanislav Dobak
The choreographer Fanny Brouyaux brought dance to the pediatric wards of Brussels hospitals. The body-bridge, body-relay, body-medium is material in her creation Warm, From her own experience, the designer draws a trio that sets in motion the care, the being together, the presence of the other in the moments of distress. The dance – bodies covered, face included, in shades of blue, gray, black – decomposes and recomposes, digests and develops, condenses and stretches the action where distress and care, urgency and expectation, tenderness and revolt. The gestures of first aid – resuscitating, straightening, warming up – speak of the need to act, the feverishness, the impatience, sometimes the impotence. Pipes, pumps and balloons enter the dance, sprinkling mechanical Shadoks-style humor over the generous gravity of the subject.
Press La Libre, Marie Baudet

Choreographer: Fanny Brouyaux
Performers: Florian Vuille, David Séchaud and Julia Färber.
Assistant director: Sophie Guisset.
Dramaturgy assistance: Nadid Belaatik.
Outside eye: Louise Vanneste.
Sound designer: Adrien Pinet.
Lighting designer: Grégoire Tempels.
Costumes: Maria Ferreira Silva.
Production: Too moved to talk asbl.
Co-production: Charleroi danse, Pôle Sud – CDCN Strasbourg.
Support: Materiais Diversos, la Bellone, Le Gymnase – CDCN de Roubaix, the Federation Wallonia Brussels-service de la danse and WBI
The “Warm” project had also obtained a research grant from the Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles.
Fanny Brouyaux is accompanied by Grand Studio.