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Un Bruit

2014 creation

As part of 50th anniversary celebrations of Moroccan immigration in Belgium, Fanny Brouyaux presented a dance performance for 5 Belgian and Moroccan dancers. 


In the heart of an incessant hubbub, a few gestures. Like an uncontrollable struggle that gets out of control. It is a noise, like a spreading rumor, a deafening urgency. With their feet nailed to the ground, each contaminated dancer repeats the gesture on their own, transforms it, amplifies it.
Little by little, the bodies become free, invade the space, metamorphose the danced rumor and thus reveal each performer's individual sensitivity. Fascinated by the mechanism of spreading rumors, Fanny Brouyaux reflects here on the destructive impact they can have, the fantasies they can arouse.


"How can a silent medium, such as dance, symbolize the impact of words, the ideas they peddle, the noise they make? As information has never circulated as quickly as in our time, I wanted to slow down and really question what our words, our actions, our gestures generate as well as their consequences. I wanted to launch a choreographic rumor marked by our sensitive and contrasting experiences..."



Choreography: Fanny Brouyaux, with the help of Carmen Blanco Principal

Dancers: Kamal Aadissa, Fanny Brouyaux, Clara Guémas, Fouad Nafili, Olivier Roisin
Sound creation: Yann Leguay

Lighting design: Raphaël Rubbens


As part of 50 years of Moroccan Immigration - It's Belgian! A project initiated by Espace Magh. With the support of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Bruxelles Région-Capitale, Commission communautaire française, the City of Brussels and the Fonds d'Impulsion à la Politique des Immigrés. In co-production with Espace Magh and Charleroi Danse, Un Bruit also received support from Wallonie Bruxelles International and the Bureau International de Jeunesse. Un Bruit was hosted in residence at Théâtre Marni, Escale du Nord and supported by Taoufiq Izeddiou's Compagnie Anania.


This piece was presented in June 2014 as part of Théâtre Marni's D festival and the 50th anniversary celebrations of Moroccan immigration in Belgium, at the Foyer culturel de Montigny-le-Tilleul. It was performed in June 2015 as part of the Open studios by Écuries de Charleroi danse and then adapted to the public space as "Un bruit, performance urbaine" for the 2016 Molendance festival. 

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©Charlotte Sampermans
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Dissemination and mediation: Manon André Caminita


Production and administration: Sílvia Gutiérrez Kirchner



ASBL Too Moved to talk (TMTT)

Registered Address:

3 Avenue du Forum, box 31,

1020 Brussels,



Fanny Brouyaux / Too Moved to Talk © 2023. Tous droits réservés.

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