To be schieve or a romantic attempt
Création 2024
("Schieve means twisted or crazy in Brussels traditional language")
Solo dance-performance exploring the parallels between the vibrant, nervous caprices of Italian composer Paganini and spasmophilia*.
In her new solo "To be schieve or a romantic attempt", Brussels-based choreographer and dancer Fanny Brouyaux, trained as a classical and contemporary musician and dancer, focuses on the visceral aspect of romantic movement: the heartstrings.
Through rhythmic mastery of the physical and mechanical tensions of different emotional states: the emergence of a sob, the technicality of trembling, of spasm, she explores the friction between controlled gestures and the uncontrolled movements that run through her during attacks of spasmophilia. A former cellist, she invites the spectator's gaze to be disturbed, constantly playing with the opposition between lyrical virtuoso gestures and anarchic impulsive gestures. Accompanied by a soundtrack featuring Paganini's various caprices, the dancer unravels the tensions that inhabit her body, setting out to find fossils of emotion.
(Long considered hysteria, spasmophilia is a reaction of the neuro-nervous system producing attacks of trembling, spasms or "memory-gestures", which can be the body's way of freeing itself from excessive post-traumatic stress).

This show is the culmination of several stages of research. One of these was the "2SCHIEVE" laboratory with improviser-drummer Tom Malmendier.
In-depth dramaturgical research was also carried out, including the writing of the text:
"Bernix", the performer's fantasized alter-ego.

©Stanislav Dobak

Phase des contorsions, Paul Richer
Performer and choreographer: Fanny Brouyaux/Choreographic assistan/ Jason Respilieux/Lighting designer: Quentin Maes/ Sound designers: Patrick Belmont and Yann Leguay/ Dramaturgical assistant: Louis Combeaud/ Other ponctual external eyes: David Séchaud, Sophie Guisset, Angela Rabaglio, Micaël Florentz and Baptiste Conte/ Costume: Rose Alenne Voleau/Make-up consultant: Colette Menet
Partners :
Charleroi danse, Grand Studio, Mille Plateaux - CCN La Rochelle as part of the Ministry of Culture's Accueil Studio program, CCN - Ballet de l'Opéra national du Rhin as part of the Accueil Studio 2023 program, Théâtre du Marché aux grains - Bouxwiller, Accueil studio : POLE SUD CDCN - Strasbourg, Theater Freiburg (DE), L'Abri (CH), Onassis (GR) and Trois -C-L Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois as part of Réseau Grand Luxe 2022-23, Théâtre Marni, Centre culturel d'Anderlecht, La Fabrique de théâtre.
With the assistance of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles Service Général de la Création Artistique-Service de la danse and the support of WBTD/WBI. Fanny Brouyaux is accompanied by Grand studio.